Python Course for Beginners

The Python Course for Beginners is designed to introduce individuals with little to no programming experience to the fundamentals of Python programming language. Throughout the course, participants will learn essential concepts and skills needed to write Python code efficiently. Starting with basic syntax and data structures, the course progresses to cover topics such as control flow, functions, file handling, and object-oriented programming principles.

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Hamza Niaz Last updated Tue, 07-May-2024 English
What will i learn?
  • Understanding of Python Fundamentals: Participants will have a solid grasp of fundamental Python concepts, including syntax, data types, variables, control flow, and basic operations.
  • Ability to Write Python Code: Participants will be able to write Python code to solve simple programming problems, manipulate data, and automate tasks.
  • Proficiency in Using Data Structures: Participants will be familiar with essential Python data structures such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. They will understand how to create, manipulate, and access data stored in these structures.
  • Knowledge of Functions and Modules: Participants will understand how to define and use functions to organize code and solve specific tasks. They will also be proficient in working with Python modules to extend functionality and reuse code.
  • Skills in File Handling: Participants will have the ability to read from and write to files using Python, allowing them to work with external data sources and store program output.
  • Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles: Participants will have a basic understanding of OOP concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, and encapsulation. They will be able to create simple Python classes and use them in their programs.
  • Experience with Basic Error Handling: Participants will know how to handle errors and exceptions in Python code effectively, ensuring robustness and reliability.
  • Introduction to Additional Topics: Depending on the course curriculum, participants may be introduced to additional topics such as regular expressions, working with libraries, and basic data analysis or visualization.
  • Preparation for Further Learning: The course will provide participants with a strong foundation in Python programming, enabling them to continue their learning journey independently or pursue more advanced Python courses or specialized topics such as web development, data science, or machine learning.

Curriculum for this course
4 Topics
Introduction to Python
6 Sub Topics
  • What is Python?
  • Why Python?
  • Python 2 vs. Python 3
  • Installing Python
  • IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) vs. Text Editors
  • Setting up an environment (if needed)
Python Basics
2 Sub Topics
  • Python Syntax
  • Control Flow
Data Structures in Python
5 Sub Topics
  • Lists
  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Dictionaries
  • Sets
Functions and Modules
2 Sub Topics
  • Functions
  • Modules
Title Lectures Price
Inquiry Based Session-1 lesson 1 15$
Regular Package/ 4 lesson 4 60$
Standard Package/8 Lesson 8 102$
Premium Package/12 12 144$
Fast Track/16 Lesson 16 180$
  • Computer Access: Participants should have access to a computer (Windows, macOS, or Linux) with internet connectivity.
  • Basic Computer Skills: While not strictly required, basic computer literacy is helpful. This includes tasks such as navigating the file system, using a web browser, and downloading/installing software.
  • Text Editor or IDE: Participants will need a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to write and run Python code. Common choices include Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Sublime Text, Atom, or even simple editors like Notepad++.
  • Python Installation: Participants should have Python installed on their computers. The course instructor may provide guidance on installing Python, typically recommending the latest stable version of Python 3.x.
  • Curiosity and Eagerness to Learn: Most importantly, participants should come with a willingness to learn and explore Python programming. A curious mindset and readiness to experiment with code are essential for success in the course.
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Key highlights of the course include:

  • Clear explanations of Python concepts suitable for beginners
  • Hands-on exercises and coding examples to reinforce learning
  • Guidance on setting up Python environment and using development tools
  • Introduction to essential Python libraries and resources for further learning
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  • 1 Students
  • 6 Courses
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  • 00:00:00 Hours On demand videos
  • 4 Topics , 15 Sub Topics
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