Physics -IGCSE (0625)

/Cambridge IGCSE Physics helps learners to understand the technological world in which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. The syllabus includes the basic principles and concepts that are fundamental to the subject, some current applications of physics, and a strong emphasis on practical skills

Ordinary Level 5(4 Ratings) 5 Students enrolled
Created by Nauman Ali Last updated Fri, 16-Feb-2024 English
What will i learn?
  • Learners also develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for progression to Cambridge International AS & A Level, further education or a career related to science.

Curriculum for this course
6 Topics
Motion, forces and energy
4 Sub Topics
  • Scalars and Vectors
  • Motion and Forces
  • Work, Energy, and Power
  • Materials and Structures
Thermal physics
3 Sub Topics
  • Thermal Properties of Matter
  • Transfer of Thermal Energy
  • Thermal Energy and Heat Engines
3 Sub Topics
  • Types and Characteristics of Waves
  • Reflection and Refraction of Waves
  • Sound and Electromagnetic Waves
Electricity and magnetism
3 Sub Topics
  • Electric Current and Circuits
  • Electrical Quantities and Ohm's Law
  • Magnetism and Electromagnetism
Atomic and Nuclear physics
3 Sub Topics
  • Structure of the Atom
  • Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions
  • Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Power
Space physics
4 Sub Topics
  • Introduction to Space Physics
  • Solar System and Celestial Objects
  • Gravity and Orbits
  • Space Exploration and Satellites
Title Lectures Price
Inquiry Based Session-1 lesson 1 15$
Regular Package/ 4 lesson 4 60$
Standard Package/8 Lesson 8 102$
Premium Package/12 12 144$
Fast Track/16 Lesson 16 180$
  • Basic science and mathematics
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The Cambridge IGCSE Physics is a course offered by the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) board. It is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the principles and concepts of physics. The course is typically taken by students aged 14 to 16 as part of their secondary education.

Here is a detailed description of the Cambridge IGCSE Physics course:

  1. Course Content: The course covers a wide range of topics in physics, including:

    a. Forces and motion: Laws of motion, forces, momentum, and energy. b. Electricity and magnetism: Electric circuits, current, voltage, resistance, magnets, and electromagnetism. c. Waves: Properties of waves, sound waves, light waves, and the electromagnetic spectrum. d. Energy resources and energy transfer: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, energy transfer, efficiency, and conservation. e. Thermal physics: Heat transfer, thermal properties, and gas laws. f. Atomic physics: Structure of atoms, radioactivity, and nuclear energy. g. Particle physics: Fundamental particles and the Standard Model. h. Astrophysics: Stars, galaxies, and the Big Bang theory.

  2. Practical Skills: The Cambridge IGCSE Physics course emphasizes the development of practical skills. Students learn how to design and conduct experiments, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions based on their findings. Practical work is an essential component of the course, and students are required to complete a specified number of experiments throughout the course.

  3. Assessment: The assessment for Cambridge IGCSE Physics consists of two components:

    a. Written examination: Students take a written examination at the end of the course. The examination is typically divided into different sections, testing theoretical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and the interpretation of experimental data.

    b. Practical assessment: In addition to the written examination, students' practical skills are assessed through a separate practical examination. This examination assesses the students' ability to design experiments, handle apparatus, and analyze data.

  4. Grading: The final grade for Cambridge IGCSE Physics is based on the performance in the written examination and the practical assessment. The grading scale ranges from A* to G, with A* being the highest achievement level.

  5. Further Study: Cambridge IGCSE Physics provides a solid foundation for further study in physics at the Advanced Level (A-Level) or International Baccalaureate (IB) level. It equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue higher education or careers in fields related to science, engineering, technology, or research.

Overall, the Cambridge IGCSE Physics course aims to develop students' understanding of fundamental physics concepts, their ability to apply these concepts to real-world situations, and their practical skills in conducting experiments. It provides a comprehensive introduction to physics and serves as a stepping stone for further academic and career opportunities in the field.

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About the instructor
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  • 10 Students
  • 4 Courses
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Biography of Nauman Ali

Nauman Ali is a distinguished physicist and educator hailing from Pakistan. With a passion for unraveling the mysteries of the universe and a commitment to shaping young minds, he has dedicated his career to the study and teaching of physics. Born and raised in Pakistan, Nauman embarked on a journey that would take him to great heights in both academia and education.

Nauman Ali's journey in the field of physics began during his undergraduate studies, where he developed a profound interest in the fundamental laws governing the universe. Fuelled by curiosity, he pursued a Master's degree in Physics, delving deeper into theoretical concepts and engaging in research projects that expanded his understanding of the subject.

Recognized for his exceptional aptitude and enthusiasm, Nauman was offered a prestigious scholarship to pursue a Ph.D. in Physics. He embraced this opportunity, immersing himself in cutting-edge research, pushing the boundaries of knowledge, and contributing to the advancement of the field. His doctoral research focused on quantum mechanics and its applications in quantum computing, an emerging field that holds immense potential for revolutionizing information processing.

Parallel to his research endeavors, Nauman discovered a profound passion for teaching. He realized that sharing his knowledge and igniting the spark of curiosity in young minds was his true calling. With a decade of experience under his belt, Nauman has become an esteemed physics educator. He specializes in teaching Cambridge, Edexcel curriculum and various boards for O and A levels 

Student feedback
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  • Thu, 15-Feb-2024
    Rania wali
    you encourage me critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Thu, 15-Feb-2024
    abdullah Qureshi
    Sir you make physics easy for me
  • Thu, 15-Feb-2024
    Zunaira Asif
    teaching skills with clear explanations and relatable examples
  • Thu, 15-Feb-2024
    Zohra Awan
    The teacher has a remarkable ability to explain complex physics, easy understand
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  • 6 Topics , 20 Sub Topics
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