• Lectures: 6 Topics , 0 Sub Topics
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  • Language: English
  • Enrolled: 0 Students
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  • Premium content
Instructor: Muhammad Usman
Last Update:Fri, 09-Aug-2024
Review: (0)

What will i learn?

  • Knowledge and Understanding: During the lecture the student understands the nature and operations of Numerical Analysis, demonstrates familiarity with theories and concepts used in Numerical Analysis, and identifies the steps required to carry out a piece of research on a topic in Numerical Analysis.
  • Intellectual Skills: By the end of the course the student is expected to recognize and apply appropriate theories, principles and concepts relevant to Numerical Analysis, critically assess and evaluate the literature within the field of Numerical Analysis, analyze and interpret information from a variety of sources relevant to Numerical Analysis.
  • Practical Skills: By the end of the course student will have the ability to compare the computational methods for advantages and drawbacks, choose the suitable computational method among several existing methods.
  • Transferable Skills: Within the lectures the student is able to transfer ideas and experience, work effectively as a part of a group and independently.



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About The Instructor

Instructor:Muhammad Usman
Enrolled: 1 Students
Courses:6 Courses
Review: (1)

Hi, I am Dr. Muhammad Usman graduated from Peking University in the field of applied and computational mathematics with distinguished student. I also completed my postdoc in field of computational mathematics. I have numerous research articles published in well-reputed international journals. Therefore, I have rich experience in research and supervise project students. As for as my teaching career is concerned, I have 14 years’ experience in teaching. I have taught various courses at A-level, O-level, graduate and postgraduate level. In the recent past years, I involve extensively in teaching online at A-level and O-level. Positive feedback of my past students always encourage me to deliver more in the better way. I look forward to working together with you as partners in your child’s educational growth and development!!

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