Torus academy offers Middle School Mathematics online course. This is the two way communicative study to enhance very basic concepts of the learners and help them prepare exclusively for O-level Mathematics. It will comprehensively explain topic such as Number operations, Algebra, Geometry etc.
Types of numbers, Venn Diagram
Number line, Number Properties
Operations on integers
Operations on Decimals
Divisibility Rules
Rounding off and Significant Figures
Reinforce the concept of linear functions and understand the meaning and effect of negative, positive and zero gradients on straight lines on the graph.
Gradient and intercept
Demonstrate the knowledge of relationships between gradients of parallel and perpendicular lines to find missing gradients of given lines
Solve linear equations involving algebraic fractions in Mathematical and practical situations
Change the subject of a formula and use substitution method to calculate values of unknown variables
Solve basic single and simultaneous linear inequalities in one variable and use number line to illustrate the answers
Understanding Algebraic terms such as variable, coefficient etc
● Understand and use commutative, associative and distributive laws of the four operations in algebra
BODMAS rule in Algebra
Expansion of Algebraic Expressions to find product
Multiplication and division of Algebraic fractions
Factorization by taking common
● Convert between 12 hour clock and 24 hour clock and vice versa
Calculate arrival time, departure time and journey time in a given situation ((on the previous day and the next day)
Uniform and non uniform speed
Relationship between speed, distance and time
Solve problems involving time and average speed
Draw and interpret simple distance – time and draw Speed-time graphs (travel Graphs) in real life contexts involving one component
Using concept of ratio to calculate rate and average rate of quantities
Calculate Increase and decrease in a ratio based on change in quantities and vice versa
Recognize and use common measure/units of rate
Types of Fractions
Comparing and Ordering Fractions
Application of BODMAS to Fractions
Percentage greater than 100
Expressing one quantity as percentage of other
Expressing one quantity as percentage of other
Expressing one quantity as percentage of other
Expressing one quantity as percentage of other
Increase and decrease quantities by a given percentage
Apply knowledge of percentages to find discount,commission, value added tax (VAT) and general sales tax (GST)
Convert and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals, ratios and percentages,
Word problems related to fractions and percentages in context of money, length and weight.
Recognize and construct acute, obtuse and reflex angles using a protractor
Angle properties of Adjacent, vertically opposite, reflex, Complementary and Supplementary angles
Angle properties of alternate angles, corresponding angles and interior angles
Naming polygons and their angles(Interior and Exterior angles)
Finding unknown angles in triangles and quadrilaterals.
Construction of triangles and quadrilaterals using standard compass.
Drawing angle and line bisectors
Formula for perpendicular distance from point to line
Recognizing pattern and investigate missing terms
Formulation of Nth Term in the given sequence
Using general formulae finding unknown terms and formulating sequence.
Prime factorization method to find LCM and HCF
Factor Tree Method to find HCF and LCM
Laws of Indices
Scientific Notation
Finding Squares and Cubes of Numbers
Finding Square and Cube Roots of numbers.
Real life Applications
Conversions of metric units
Conversion of area and volume units
Concentric and eccentric circles
Calculate the areas and perimeters of a parallelograms and trapeziums (with consistent and inconsistent units)
Using the knowledge of concentric circles and formulae, calculate area and perimeter of a ring
Calculate the perimeter and areas of any compound 2D shapes(involving whole shape and shaded regions)
Reinforce surface area and volume of a right prism (including triangular, rectangular prisms and cylinders)
Calculate the surface area and volume of any simple and compound 3D objects(including right prisms and pipe) and explain the method used (with both consistent and inconsistent units)
Calculate the missing dimension from the given area/perimeter/surface area/volume of all 2D shapes and Right prisms.
Use concepts of area, perimeter, surface area and volume in simple problem solving
Approximate areas and perimeters, surface areas and volumes of shapes and objects with non-integer dimensions
Use standard units of length, mass and capacity for estimation and calculation
I have done MS Mathematics from NUST Islamabad. I have over 10 years experience of teaching online and offline to middle, secondary, higher secondary and graduate level International as well as Pakistani students. Currently I am affiliated with Beaconhouse School system as a mathematics teacher. In this plateform i will teach online with powerpoint, video lessons. I will make my lessons interactive through virtual two way discussions and help my students with their homework, assignments and getting good grades. I'll make myself available for extra support aswell.
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