• Lectures: 23 Topics , 90 Sub Topics
  • Duration:
  • Language: English
  • Enrolled: 0 Students
  • Access on Mobile and TV
  • Premium content
O Levels
Instructor: Muhammad Awais
Last Update:Fri, 09-Aug-2024
Review: (0)

What will i learn?

  • Acquire scientific knowledge and understanding of scientific theories and practice
  • Develop a range of experimental skills, including handling variables and working safely
  • Use scientific data and evidence to solve problems and discuss the limitations of scientific methods
  • Communicate effectively and clearly, using scientific terminology, notation and conventions
  • Understand that the application of scientific knowledge can benefit people and the environment • enjoy science and develop an informed interest in scientific matters which support further study



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About The Instructor

Instructor:Muhammad Awais
Enrolled: 0 Students
Courses:1 Courses
Review: (0)

I work tirelessly with a mind set of modern pedagogical practices. I love to engage students in learning activities that involve mental and physical coordination such as coordination exercises, tarsia puzzles and knowledge treasure hunts. I love to spend time with students in science discussion and conduct socratic learning sessions quite frequently.

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