IGCSE Physics 0625

This course provides detailed help and discussion on subject content through guided Past Paper Practice.

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Muhammad Awais Last updated Mon, 11-Sep-2023 English
What will i learn?
  • Acquire scientific knowledge and understanding of scientific theories and practice
  • Develop a range of experimental skills, including handling variables and working safely
  • Use scientific data and evidence to solve problems and discuss the limitations of scientific methods
  • Communicate effectively and clearly, using scientific terminology, notation and conventions
  • Understand that the application of scientific knowledge can benefit people and the environment • enjoy science and develop an informed interest in scientific matters which support further study

Curriculum for this course
23 Topics
Physical Measurements
6 Sub Topics
  • Physical Quantities
  • Scientific Notation and Significant Figures
  • Calculating Quantities
  • Taking Measurements (ATP)
  • Feedback for Unit 1
  • Unit 1 Assessment
Motion of Objects
6 Sub Topics
  • Scalars and Vectors
  • Distance and Displacement
  • Speed, Velocity and Acceleration
  • Speed-Time Graph
  • Feedback to Unit 2
  • Unit 2 Assessment
Force and Momentum
5 Sub Topics
  • Force and its Application
  • Momentum and its Conservation
  • Interaction of Force and Momentum
  • Feedback for Unit 3
  • Unit 3 Assessment
Moment of a Force
6 Sub Topics
  • Turning Effect of a Force
  • CoG and CoM
  • Equilibrium
  • Stability of an Object
  • Feedback for Unit 4
  • Unit 4 Assessment
Force, Pressure and Matter
6 Sub Topics
  • Pressure in Solids
  • Pressure in Gases
  • Pressure in Liquids
  • Principle of Flotation
  • Feedback for Unit 5
  • Unit 5 Assessment
Energy Transformations
2 Sub Topics
  • Renewable Sources of Energy
  • Sources of Energy
Work and Energy
4 Sub Topics
  • Work Done by Force
  • Correlation of Motion and Energy
  • Inter-conversion of Energies
  • Feedback for Unit 7
Power and Efficiency
4 Sub Topics
  • Power related to Work Done
  • Efficiency of Work Done
  • Feedback for Unit 8
  • Unit 6, 7 and 8 - Assessment
Kinetic Model of Matter
2 Sub Topics
  • Kinetic Theory of Matter
  • Effects of Temperature Changes
Thermal Properties of Matter
2 Sub Topics
  • Thermal Changes in Matter
  • Thermal Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
Heat Transfer
3 Sub Topics
  • Modes of Heat Transfer
  • Feedback for Unit 11
  • Unit 9, 10 and 11 - Assessment
Wave Motion
4 Sub Topics
  • Oscillations and Dampening
  • Oscillations and Wave Motion
  • Ripple Tank and Properties of Waves
  • Feedback for Unit 12
Sound Waves
5 Sub Topics
  • Properties of Sound
  • Speed of Sound Calculations
  • Ultrasound
  • Feedback for Unit 13
  • Unit 12 and 13 Assessment
Light and Optics
7 Sub Topics
  • Properties of Light
  • Spherical Mirrors
  • Refraction of Light
  • Refractive Index and Total Internal Reflection
  • Lenses and Optical Principles
  • Feedback for Unit 14
  • Unit 14 Assessment
Electromagnetic Spectrum
1 Sub Topics
  • Dispersion of Light and Spectra
4 Sub Topics
  • Understanding Magnetism in Matter
  • Magnetic Field Strenght and Magnetic Field Lines
  • Permanent and Non-Permanent Magnets
  • Feedback for Unit 15
2 Sub Topics
  • Static Charge on Objects
  • Testing for Static Charge and Electric Fields
Current and Electricity
4 Sub Topics
  • Motion of Charges in Matter
  • Electric Field due to Current
  • Ohm's Law and Combination Resistors
  • Feedback for Unit 17
4 Sub Topics
  • Electromagnetic Induction Principles
  • Electric Power Transformers
  • Feedback for Unit 18
  • Unit 15 to 18 Assessment
Nuclear Physics
3 Sub Topics
  • Atoms and Unstable Isotopes
  • Decay of Nucleus of an Atom
  • Fission and Fussion
4 Sub Topics
  • Radiative Materials and Radiation Hazards
  • Half-Life of Radioactive Materials
  • Feedback for Unit 19 & 20
  • Unit 19 & 20 Assessment
Solar System
2 Sub Topics
  • Earth and Moon
  • Our Sun
Space Physics
4 Sub Topics
  • Galaxies
  • Universe
  • Feedback for Unit 22
  • Unit 21 & 22 Assessment
Title Lectures Price
Inquiry Based Session-1 lesson 1 11$
Regular Package/ 4 lesson 4 44$
Standard Package/8 Lesson 8 75$
Premium Package/12 12 105$
Fast Track/16 Lesson 16 132$
  • Candidate must be opting for Paper 2, 4 & 6 for IGCSE Physics 0625
  • Candidate must be able to spare 6 hours weekly on Self Practice of past papers, other than online sessions.
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IGCSE Physics 0625 is a science group course which requires following skills:

Gain of Knowledge - ability to receive scientific information and understand it. Mainly the information is regarding matter, energy and their interaction.

Application of Knowledge - apply the gained knowledge and facts to solve problems related to daily life in terms of science in general and physics being specific.

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About the instructor
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I work tirelessly with a mind set of modern pedagogical practices. I love to engage students in learning activities that involve mental and physical coordination such as coordination exercises, tarsia puzzles and knowledge treasure hunts. I love to spend time with students in science discussion and conduct socratic learning sessions quite frequently.

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  • 00:00:00 Hours On demand videos
  • 23 Topics , 90 Sub Topics
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