• Lectures: 15 Topics , 26 Sub Topics
  • Duration:
  • Language: English
  • Enrolled: 10 Students
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Chemistry-O Levels And IGCSE

O Levels
Instructor: Sibgha Ameen
Last Update:Fri, 09-Aug-2024
Review: (5)

What will i learn?

  • The course would help students to develop an understanding of scientific and problem solving skills .
  • This course gives u the opportunity to experience chemistry within the context of ur general education
  • Regular practice of past papers will make students well aware of the type of questions asked in exam so helpfull to make their grades
  • Ur knowledge about fundaments in chemistry will b secured and will help u not in A levels further but forever in future



3 Ratings

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Rania wali

Wed, 27-Dec-2023

“The teacher turns complex formulas into enjoyable experiments making the subject engaging and easy to grasp for the students”

Abdul Haye

Mon, 01-Jan-2024

“I was very scared of chemistry but you make it very easy and understandable for me”

Zainab Waqas

Mon, 08-Jan-2024

“Thanks Mam you are very supportive.”

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About The Instructor

Instructor:Sibgha Ameen
Enrolled: 8 Students
Courses:2 Courses
Review: (6)

Hey my name is Sibgha Ameen.I have been teaching chemistry to O /A levels for the past 4 years . Being very enthusiastic about my subject i always try to make this interesting for the chemistry learners.I will help out in learning the concepts from bascis , assist you in solving the problems in easiest way. As far as teaching methodology is concerned i do believe in joint class effort in which there is recap of previous knowledge in order to assses the previous learning of the students . i will discuss the strategies to persue the teaching in an effective way . Keeping in view afore mentioned things ,if you are looking for platform followed by learning ,problem solving ,class discussions ,effective presentations ,assesments and past paper practices than this is right platform .



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