• Lectures: 6 Topics , 35 Sub Topics
  • Duration:
  • Language: English
  • Enrolled: 0 Students
  • Access on Mobile and TV
  • Premium content
Instructor: Muhammad Usman
Last Update:Fri, 09-Aug-2024
Review: (0)

What will i learn?

  • Define and find the limits and contiroblems.
  • Apply the concept of derivatives to solve the problems.
  • Determine the slope, maxima and minima of functions.



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About The Instructor

Instructor:Muhammad Usman
Enrolled: 1 Students
Courses:6 Courses
Review: (1)

Hi, I am Dr. Muhammad Usman graduated from Peking University in the field of applied and computational mathematics with distinguished student. I also completed my postdoc in field of computational mathematics. I have numerous research articles published in well-reputed international journals. Therefore, I have rich experience in research and supervise project students. As for as my teaching career is concerned, I have 14 years’ experience in teaching. I have taught various courses at A-level, O-level, graduate and postgraduate level. In the recent past years, I involve extensively in teaching online at A-level and O-level. Positive feedback of my past students always encourage me to deliver more in the better way. I look forward to working together with you as partners in your child’s educational growth and development!!

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