They will be the best resource to guide you and help you prepare effectively for your Biology exams.
Cambridge IGCSE Biology develops that we offer at torus uses a set of transferable skills
including handling data, practical problem-solving and applying
the scientific method. Learners develop relevant attitudes, such as
concern for accuracy and precision, objectivity, integrity, enquiry, initiative and inventiveness. They acquire the
essential scientific skills required for progression to further studies or employment.
Our approach in Cambridge IGCSE Biology at torus encourages learners to be:
confident, interested in learning about science, questioning ideas and using scientific language to communicate.
their views and opinions
responsible, working methodically and safely when working alone or collaboratively with others
reflective, learning from their experiences and interested in scientific issues that affect the individual, the community and the environment
innovative, solving unfamiliar problems confidently and creatively
engaged, keen to develop scientific skills, being curious about scientific principles and their application in the world.
Basic characteristics of living organisms
Reason of classification
Ways of classifying the organisms (morphological, biochemical)
Basic cell structures of the animals,plants,fungus,protocists and virus.
Classification of the vertebrates and invertebrates
Constructing and elaborating the dichotomous keys
Fundamentals of the cell structure and function
Elaboration of the animal and plant cells , comparison and contrast
Elaboration of the function of the specialized cell e.g. sperm cell , neuron, root hair and epithelial cells)
Organization of the human body in terms of cells, tissues, organ, organ system and organism
Concept of diffusion, osmosis and active transport
Role of diffusion in exchange of gases
The importance of the active transport in the absorption and reabsorption
Significance of the osmosis in the absorption and transport of the water in plants.
Concept of the biological molecules including the protein,carbohydrates ,lipids and nucleic acids
Significance of the balanced diet and consequences of the nutritional deficiencies
Concept of the biological catalysts and its significance in the living bodies
Basic mechanism of the enzymatic activity with emphasis on the lock and key hypothesis
Factors effecting the enzymatic activity with graphical elaboration
Basis of the nutrition in terms of the photosynthesis
Understanding of the photosynthetic word and chemical equation
Structure related to the function of the leaf for effective photosynthsesis
Interconversion mechanism of the sugars, proteins and fats and their uses in the plants
Concept of the limiting factors with graphical elaboration
Fundamental of the needs and aspects of the human nutrition
The structure and physiology of the alimentary canal
The role of peristalsis in moving food along the digestive tract
Differences between the chemical and physical digestion
Chemical digestion and absorption of the carbohydrate, protein and fats
Adaptations of the villi to absorb food followed by assimilation in the human body
Cholera and its impact on the digestive system
The need of the transport in the plants
Structure of the vascular bundles
The arrangement of the vascular bundles in the roots, stem and leaves
The significance of the transpiration in the transport of water with factors effecting it.
The role of translocation in the movement of the sugars and amino acids
Concept of source and sink
The need of the transport system in the human beings
Elaboration of the components of the transport system including heart, blood vessels and blood
Indepth knowledge of the internal and external heart structure
The pumping mechanism of the heart, control of the heartbeat, heart problems and their cure
Structure related to the function of the arteries, veins and blood capillaries.
Identification of the major arteries and veins in the body.
Components of the lymphatic system and its role in the human body
Definition of the disease
concept of common pathogens including bacteria, fungus and viruses
mode of the transmission of the disease
Active and passive immunity with regard to the immunological memory
Difference between natural and artificial immunity
Preventive measures to avoid diseases
Concept of Respiration
Difference between respiration and breathing
Components of the respiratory system including nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli
The mechanism of the gaseous exchange
Adaptations of the alveoli
Differences between the aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Lactic acid fermentation in human beings and alcoholic fermentation in yeast
Elaboration of the graphs during normal and strenuous exercise
Definition of the term Excretion
Significance of metabolism with regard to producing metabolic waste materials in the body
Components of the excretory system
Longitudinal section of the kidney with elaboration of its multiple layers
Understanding of the structure of the nephron
Formation of the urine through ultrafiltration and selective reabsorption
Role of the kidneys in the osmoregulation
Elaboration of the term homeostasis and its significance in maintaining the internal constant environment
Structure and role of the skin in the thermoregulation
The role of pancreas in regulation of the blood glucose level
Concept of sensitivity and need of the communication for survival
Concept of the nervous system inclusive of the CNS and PNS
Structure related to the function of the various neurons inclusive of the sensory, relay and motor neurone
Difference between voluntary and involuntary actions
Reflex ation and reflex arc
Concept of the sense organ with emphasis on the eye
Understanding of the various layers of the eye with their role
The role of the iris in the pupil reflex
The role of the ciliary muscles in the accomodation
Significance of the retina in image formation via rod and cone cells
The basis of the chemical communication in human beings
Concept of glands and hormones
Identification of important glands including pituitary gland, pancreas, testis and ovaries
Fundamental roles of glands in the maintenance of blood glucose level, water balance, secondary characteristics development
Tropic responses in the plants with regard to geotropism, phototropism and its significance in the plants
Concept of drug
Role of antibiotics in treating the bacterial infection
Reason for antibiotic resistance and ways to overcome it
Understanding of the term reproduction and its significance
Difference between sexual and asexual reproduction
Difference between normal body cells and gametes
Example of asexual reproduction in the bacteria and plants
Advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction in plants (pollination and its types, process of fertilization, mechanism of the seeds formation, conditions for seeds germination)
Advantages and disadvantages of the sexual reproduction
need of sexual reproduction in human beings
The structure and function of the male and female reproductive system
Structure related to the function of the sperm and egg cell;difference between the both
Mechanism of the copulation,fertilization,implantaion,development,delivery and pre-post natal care)
Concept of inheritance and heredity
Mechanism of the protein synthesis via transcription and translation
Difference between two fundamental type of cell division (mitosis and meiosis)
Concept of Chromosomes, genes, alleles, allele combinations (homozygous and heterozygous)
Mendel monohybrid crosses involving transmission of a single characteristic
Incomplete dominance, Multiple alleles. Sex-linked inheritance (Hemophilia and color blindness)
Pedigree Diagrams
Concept of the variation
Difference between phenotypic and genotypic variations
Types of the phenotypic variation (Continuous and discontinuous variations)
Examples of the different phenotypic variations with graphical elaborations
Concept of the natural selection and its mechanism
Understanding the significance of the natural selection with reference to malaria, moth and antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Artificial selection and its significance
Difference between natural selection and artificial breeding
Energy and nutrients transfer
Concept of the trophic levels (Producers, primary consumers, secondary and tertiary consumers)
Energy transfer with help of food chain and food webs
Pyramid of numbers, pyramid of biomass and pyramid of energy
Nutrient cycles ( carbon and nitrogen cycle)
Population growth curves
Food supply
Habitat destruction
Understanding the term biotechnology and genetic engineering
use of biological materials in detergents, juice extraction and baking
Use of penicillium and fermenter to produce penicillin antibiotics
Steps of making recombinant bacteria to obtain products of choice
Concerns of genetically modified crops
Significance of using the microorganisms in biotechnology
Inquiry Based Session-1 lesson
Regular Package/ 4 lesson
Standard Package/8 Lesson
Premium Package/12
Fast Track/16 Lesson
Anyone who want to learn biology can join the class.
This is Dr. Khurram Shehzad Arain having over 10 years experience of teaching students from multiple streams including Cambridge International Examination,Edexcel & AQA. My exeprtise cover the criteria required for IGCSE,GCSE,GCSE,As & A-Levels Biology. My teaching methodology is diverse that involves use of the modern teaching tools including Pdf Annotator,One Note,Digital Notebooks,Google Classrooms etc. My students will have approach to the finest resources, past paper worksheets both yearly and topicals.The students will have a link to their specific notebooks that can be open with a single click anywhere in the World with the fear of files getting lost.I teach my students upto the standard required by the particular examining body together with developing a firm grip on the key fundamental topics of Biology including Human and Plants anatomy,physiology,biochemistry,environmental Biology with development practical approach on biostatistics,planning investigations,graphical eloborations,data collection and representation.The overall goal is to not only polish the studnets in term of their subject knowledge but also to score the highest marks in the Examination.
Rania wali
Wed, 27-Dec-2023
“The teacher has a remarkable ability to explain complex biology, easy understand ”
Abdul Haye
Mon, 01-Jan-2024
“Thank you sir you this subject very easy for me.”