Android App Development

Become Professional with Writing clean and efficient codes for Android applications. Monitoring the performance of live apps and work on optimizing them at the code level.

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Abdul Rehman Last updated Wed, 10-Jan-2024 English
What will i learn?
  • Become a Professional Android Mobile Apps Developer.
  • Will be able to Develop Your Own Apps ,Get Better Jobs and Work with Experienced Developers

Curriculum for this course
8 Topics
Introduction to Android Development
1 Sub Topics
  • Overview of Android development ecosystem and tools (Android Studio, SDK, etc.) • Setting up development environment • Introduction to Java or Kotlin programming language basics • Creating a simple "Hello World" Android app • Understanding the A
User Interface Design
1 Sub Topics
  • Building user interfaces with Views, ViewGroups, and Layouts • Using common UI components (TextViews, EditTexts, Buttons, etc.) • Handling user input and events • Understanding different screen sizes and resolutions
Working with Activities and Intents
1 Sub Topics
  • Introduction to activities and their lifecycle • Creating multiple activities and transitioning between them • Passing data between activities using Intents • Exploring different launch modes for activities • Managing activity backstack and navigation
Data Storage and Persistence
1 Sub Topics
  • Overview of data storage options (SharedPreferences, SQLite, etc.) • Storing and retrieving data using SharedPreferences • Working with SQLite databases and CRUD operations • Using Content Providers for data sharing • Introduction to Room Persistence Libr
Networking and Web Services
1 Sub Topics
  • Making network requests using HTTP libraries (e.g., Retrofit, OkHttp) • Parsing JSON and XML responses • Handling network operations asynchronously using background threads or coroutines • Caching data for offline usage • Implementing RESTful API integrat
Multimedia and Sensor Integration
1 Sub Topics
  • Working with multimedia components (images, audio, video) • Capturing photos and videos using the camera • Playing audio and video files • Utilizing device sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer, GPS, etc.) • Implementing location-based services
Advanced Topics
1 Sub Topics
  • • Implementing notifications and background services • Using Firebase for real-time data synchronization and cloud messaging • Integrating social media APIs (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) • Adding authentication and user management features • Implementing in-a
Testing, Deployment, and App Publishing
1 Sub Topics
  • Overview of testing methodologies (unit tests, integration tests, UI tests) • Writing and executing test cases for Android apps • Debugging and troubleshooting common issues • Generating signed APKs for release • Submitting apps to the Google Play Store
Title Lectures Price
Inquiry Based Session-1 lesson 1 11$
Regular Package/ 4 lesson 4 44$
Standard Package/8 Lesson 8 75$
Premium Package/12 12 105$
Fast Track/16 Lesson 16 132$
  • Anyone irrespective of their coding experience can create their own Android mobile apps
  • Generally ICS Student ,Bachelor Students of Computer Science ,Software Engineering, Information Technology
  • Other Students Having Strong OOP Concepts
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Android software development is the process by which applications are created for devices running the Android operating system Java and Kotlin  is the most popular and official language for android app development. Since Android is an operating system, its purpose is to connect the user and the device. You can easily learn Android Development with us if You have basic knowledge about programming Concepts.

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00:00:00 Hours
Updated Tue, 04-Jul-2023
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  • 0 Students
  • 1 Courses
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Hi! This is Abdul Rehman. I am Mobile Application Developer(Android) specialized in Java and Kotlin.I  Developed and complete multiple android projects which are currently live on Google Play Store. I am aiming take my skills at the edge and willing to adopt my skills set according to the new technologies in the future as well.I am offering You Complete Guide about Android Development till Professional.

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  • 00:00:00 Hours On demand videos
  • 8 Topics , 8 Sub Topics
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