Android App Development

Improve your career options by learning Android app Development, Master Android Studio to build your professional Apps.

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Ahmad Aslam Last updated Tue, 04-Jul-2023 English
What will i learn?
  • Student will be able to develop final year projects.
  • Professional developer will be able to get better jobs.

Curriculum for this course
7 Topics
Introduction to Android Development
5 Sub Topics
  • Overview of Android development ecosystem and tools (Android Studio, SDK, etc.)
  • Setting up development environment
  • Introduction to Java or Kotlin programming language basics
  • Creating a simple "Hello World" Android app
  • Understanding the Android project structure
User Interface Design
4 Sub Topics
  • Building user interfaces with Views, ViewGroups, and Layouts
  • Using common UI components (TextViews, EditTexts, Buttons, etc.)
  • Handling user input and events
  • Understanding different screen sizes and resolutions
Working with Activities and Intents
5 Sub Topics
  • Introduction to activities and their lifecycle
  • Creating multiple activities and transitioning between them
  • Passing data between activities using Intents
  • Exploring different launch modes for activities
  • Managing activity backstack and navigation
Data Storage and Persistence
4 Sub Topics
  • Overview of data storage options (SharedPreferences, SQLite, etc.)
  • Storing and retrieving data using Shared Preferences
  • Working with SQLite databases and CRUD operations
  • Using Content Providers for data sharing
Networking and Web Services
4 Sub Topics
  • Making network requests using HTTP libraries (e.g., Retrofit, OkHttp)
  • Parsing JSON and XML responses
  • Handling network operations asynchronously using background threads or coroutines
  • Caching data for offline usage • Implementing RESTful API integration
Multimedia and Sensor Integration
2 Sub Topics
  • Working with multimedia components (images, audio, video) • Capturing photos and videos using the camera • Playing audio and video files
  • Utilizing device sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer, GPS, etc.) • Implementing location-based services
Testing, Deployment, and App Publishing
2 Sub Topics
  • Overview of testing methodologies (unit tests, integration tests, UI tests) • Writing and executing test cases for Android apps
  • Debugging and troubleshooting common issues • Generating signed APKs for release • Submitting apps to the Google Play Store
Title Lectures Price
Inquiry Based Session-1 lesson 1 12$
Regular Package/ 4 lesson 4 48$
Standard Package/8 Lesson 8 82$
Premium Package/12 12 115$
Fast Track/16 Lesson 16 132$
  • ICS student will learn
  • Computer Sciene, IT, Sofwtare Engineering Bachelor Student will learn
  • MS Student of Artifical Intelligence, Cyber Security, Data Sciences will learn
  • Professional Mobile app developer will learn
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Learn Android App Development With TORUS

If you are a CS student facing difficulty in learning Android app development, a professional who wants to polish your skills or a teacher who wants to make your grip better on the subject, the Android development course online on TORUS is just what you need. We will cover the whole subject, starting from the basics to understanding the Android project structure. Get registered today and learn how to develop Android apps like a pro.

What We Have Got For You

TORUS has an amazing all-rounder course for all who want to learn Android app development. Let’s check out what we have got for you.

We have highly skilled teachers with expertise in their respective subjects and use interactive methods to make practical learning easier.

You can take TORUS online courses from anywhere in the world. For instance, if you live in Saudi Arabia and can’t find a tutor to teach you Android app development, you can take our Android App Development Training Course in Saudi Arabia from the comfort of your home.

We have a wide range of packages starting from the beginner inquiry one to the fast track one with 16 lessons. You can choose the lesson package according to your requirement.

Our course will make you familiar with the latest technology and industry standards. Get in touch with us today and register yourself on our platform to learn Android App Development easily and efficiently. 
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00:00:00 Hours
Updated Wed, 10-Jan-2024
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About the instructor
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  • 0 Students
  • 1 Courses
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Hi, my name is Ahmed Aslam. I have industrial experience of Android Native development of almost 5 years including PSDF government training programs. I will not only train you but also will help you learn the latest technology with industry standards. I will be teaching you in a very flexible way. if you don’t the basics of the subject or want to improve your development skills, I am very excited to help you to achiever your goals, in the introduction lesson we will briefly go through with the course content, I am looking forward you for booking.

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  • 00:00:00 Hours On demand videos
  • 7 Topics , 26 Sub Topics
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