Advance Excle

"Advanced Excel" refers to the utilization of more sophisticated features and functions within Microsoft Excel beyond the basics. This typically involves tasks such as data analysis, complex calculations, automation, and visualization

Advanced Level 0(0 Ratings) 1 Students enrolled
Created by Hamza Niaz Last updated Wed, 15-May-2024 English
What will i learn?
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Increased proficiency in Excel leads to faster data manipulation, analysis, and reporting, saving time and improving productivity.
  • Advanced Data Analysis Skills: Ability to perform complex data analysis tasks such as statistical analysis, trend analysis, and forecasting.
  • Improved Decision Making: With better data visualization and analysis capabilities, users can make more informed decisions based on insights derived from Excel.
  • Automation: Knowledge of macros and VBA allows users to automate repetitive tasks, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors.
  • Advanced Reporting: Capability to create dynamic and interactive reports, dashboards, and presentations using advanced Excel features.
  • Data Cleansing and Manipulation: Proficiency in cleaning and transforming raw data into usable formats for analysis through tools like Power Query.
  • Data Modeling and Relationships: Understanding of data modeling concepts using tools like Power Pivot to create relationships between datasets for more comprehensive analysis.
  • Improved Career Prospects: Advanced Excel skills are highly valued in various industries and can enhance job opportunities and career advancement.
  • Problem Solving Skills: Ability to tackle complex problems and scenarios by applying advanced Excel techniques and functions.

Curriculum for this course
12 Topics
Session 1: Introduction to Excel
0 Sub Topics
Session 11: Collaboration and Data Sharing
0 Sub Topics
Session 10: Macros and Automation
0 Sub Topics
Session 9: Advanced Data Visualization
0 Sub Topics
Session 8: Data Analysis Tools
0 Sub Topics
Session 7: Advanced Formulas and Functions
0 Sub Topics
Session 6: Introduction to Charts and Graphs
0 Sub Topics
Session 5: Introduction to PivotTables
0 Sub Topics
Session 4: Working with Tables and Lists
0 Sub Topics
Session 3: Data Management
0 Sub Topics
Session 2: Essential Formulas and Functions
0 Sub Topics
Session 12: Final Project
0 Sub Topics
Title Lectures Price
Inquiry Based Session-1 lesson 1 18$
Regular Package/ 4 lesson 4 72$
Standard Package/8 Lesson 8 122$
Premium Package/12 12 172$
Fast Track/16 Lesson 16 216$
  • Solid Foundation: A strong understanding of basic Excel functions, formulas, and features.
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"Advanced Excel" refers to the utilization of more sophisticated features and functions within Microsoft Excel beyond the basics. This typically involves tasks such as data analysis, complex calculations, automation, and visualization. Advanced Excel users are proficient in utilizing tools like pivot tables, macros, array formulas, VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, conditional formatting, data validation, and more to manipulate, analyze, and present data effectively. Mastery of these features enables users to handle large datasets, create dynamic reports, perform advanced statistical analysis, and automate repetitive tasks, thus significantly enhancing productivity and decision-making capabilities.

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  • 12 Topics , 0 Sub Topics
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